About Us

Houndreds of Visitors Have Chosen Us

Hippocampus B&B is run by Elisabetta and Paola Sorrentino. The twins Sorrentino decided to open their home to those who want to enjoy the sun, sea and a great stay.

The welcome will be friendly and hospitable to ensure a peaceful stay for all guests who choose to stay in Hippocampus B&B

Our values

We respect these main principles and maintain them among our friendly team.


We do not keep secrets from each other and our clients, and stay always open to you.


Team-building became very important part of our team routine.

One team

The whole team meets every week to discuss various issues which happened during it.


We also search for modern and up-to-date solution of various routine problems.

Our Team

Get to know each other better.

She can run everything and she’s very welcoming and practical.


She regulates and manages all your sent reservations and makes sure there are no mistakes and misunderstandings.